لیست عناوین شغلی مورد نیاز دانمارک

 لیست عناوین شغلی با مدارک لازم لیسانس، فوق لیسانس و دکترا اداره مهاجرت دانمارک:


Mechanical engineer
Requirement: Professional Bachelor’s degree

Production engineer
Requirement: Professional Bachelor’s degree

Building engineer
Requirement: Professional Bachelor’s degree

Environmental engineer
Requirement: Professional Bachelor’s degree

Energy engineer
Requirement: Professional Bachelor’s degree

Electrical engineer
Requirement: Professional Bachelor’s degree

IT engineer
Requirement: Professional Bachelor’s degree

Doctor, dentist and veterinarian

Medical consultant
Requirement: Master’s degree + Danish authorisation*

Medical doctor
Requirement: Master’s degree + Danish authorisation*

Hospital doctor
Requirement: Master’s degree + Danish authorisation*

Consultant doctor/chief physician
Requirement: Master’s degree + Danish authorisation*

Requirement: Master’s degree + Danish authorisation*

Health, healthcare and personal care

Surgical nurse
Requirement: Professional Bachelor’s degree + Danish authorisation*

Anesthetic nurse
Requirement: Professional Bachelor’s degree + Danish authorisation*

Requirement: Professional Bachelor’s degree + Danish authorisation*

Requirement: Professional Bachelor’s degree + Danish authorisation*

IT and tele communication

IT architect
Requirement: At least three years’ IT education

Programmer and system developer
Requirement: At least three years’ IT education

IT consultant
Requirement: At least three years’ IT education

Teaching in high schools, seminaries, folk high schools etc.

Upper secondary school teacher, natural science and physical education
Requirement: Master’s degree + Danish official recognition*

Teaching in elementary schools

Primary and lower secondary school teacher
Requirement: Professional Bachelor’s degree + Danish official recognition*

Educational, social and church work

Requirement: Professional Bachelor’s degree

Social pedagogue
Requirement: Professional Bachelor’s degree

Social worker
Requirement: Professional Bachelor’s degree

Other academic Work

Requirement: Master’s degree + Danish official recognition*

Requirement: Master’s degree

Requirement: Master’s degree

Business controller
Requirement: At least three years’ education at university level or business school level

Financial controller
Requirement: At least three years’ education at university level or business school level

Requirement: Danish Bachelor’s and Master’s degree + Danish official recognition*

Legal counselor
Requirement: Master’s degree

بروز رسانی: ۰۱/۲۰۱۶